How has the role of HR changed since the pandemic?

“You must work from home!”

Yeah, alright Boris, we’ll change our entire work model overnight 🙄

But we did it, didn’t we?!

We haven’t quite settled on what is the ‘new normal’ as what some businesses leaders want clashes with what employees have come to expect but there’s no doubt the world of work has changed forever.

Employer branding for SMEs without breaking the bank

Colleagues writing on a glass white board

Every business – large or small – has an employer brand whether they decide to own it or not. And if harnessed correctly, it can make a real difference to attracting the best talent, candidate experience and employee retention. Who can afford to not take that seriously?

What benefits could your small business introduce in 2024?

In 2024, redefine small business benefits for top talent. Prioritise flexibility, health, and growth. Learn from Grace’s success in offering impactful perks like flexible schedules, health plans, and increased leave. Consult with your team to tailor benefits that matter, enhancing your competitive edge in the job market.

How to adapt to an ageing workforce

Older male sits around a laptop with a younger female colleague and a middle aged male stands next to them.

We live in an ageing society, and as people live longer, the proportion of older workers is increasing. 50 is the new 40, right? Employers have a job to do to make sure that they can attract, manage and develop employees as they age.

Best practice for hiring neurodivergent candidates

Up to one in five of your employees could be neurodivergent. In this article, we talk about what neurodiversity is, why it’s important to have an inclusive workplace and how you can make your organisation neurodiversity friendly.