We truly care about our local community and that goes way beyond simply getting people into employment. We want to see it and its people thrive.
In our eyes, giving back to our local community helps to create a better world, which we all want. It benefits everyone involved, including the Grace team. Giving back has been proven to increase happiness as our brain rewards us with ‘happy chemicals’ – who doesn’t want to be part of a happy team?
The team at Grace understand how much they have in their lives to be grateful for and volunteering helps us to cement this into our core beliefs.
Grace in the wild
We’ve been busy over the last year or so!
When we moved from our high street office to our current location, we donated our surplus office furniture and supplies to Alzheimer’s Dementia Support (ADS) in Maidenhead. We also supported ADS during the pandemic by supplying them volunteers (for free, of course) from our database of candidates to help them reopen their charity shop.
From July to September 2022, we rallied around clients, candidates and other local businesses and did weekly drop offs of donated clothes and toys for Ukrainian nationals on the Homes for Ukraine scheme.
Aileen took part in the 5km Santa Dash in December 2022, raising £180 for Thames Hospice.
In February 2023, Hollie took part in Cancer Research UK’s 100 skips a day challenge. She raised over £250.
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